Frequently asked questions

What is the Gorgon Cyber Defense System? 

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System is a small tablet style device that plugs into your network and helps monitor it for malicious intrusions by using decoys. It does not replace your firewall, your anti-virus or malware scanners, rather it augments them and adds a unique new layer of defense.

Are there any discounts?

Discounts are available for large corporate orders. Please contact us for details.

Does it work on all networks?

At this stage we are limiting ourselves to smaller networks, such as those created by your normal out of the box wifi routers (like Google Nest, Asus, NetGear, Netcomm and so forth). We do not offer support for networks with more than 200 devices.

Who is it for?

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System is specifically designed for the home office or small business user. We provide cyber protection without the cyber-babble. You do not need to be an cyber expert to use our system.

How can I reach you?

Please leave a message on our contact page and we will get back to you as promptly as possible.

Do you have international support?

We offer worldwide support via email and our community forum. Please note that we are not a remediation company. If you are the victim of a cyber attack, please contact a cyber professional in your local area.

Have more questions?

Contact us

Feel safer and more confident..

20% of small businesses have experienced a cyber-attack in the last 12 months, resulting in the loss of critical data, identity and credentials theft, intellectual property theft, ransom demands and reputation loss.

Cyber defense has to date been very costly and too complex for most small business and home offices. Our mission is to change that in a way that also does not break the bank.

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