So many features in such a small device

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System has been over a year in the making. We are proud to offer comprehensive features for the home/ office user, small business and also Cyber professionals.

Basic features

For networks with up to 200 devices
Up to 25 decoys
Manual or Autonomous mode
Alerting via Email, App and Device
Free Software Updates
Plain English Alert Help
On Device Help System

Advanced features

Forensic Detection Reports
Device Traffic Recording
Fixed IP Address Assignment
Vulnerability Scanner Whitelisting
Device Join and Leave Alerts
Local Web Interface
System Logs

unit Subscription

Secure Remote Web Interface
SMS Alerts
Respond to Alerts Anywhere
Alert Scheduling

Features in detail

For networks with up to 200 devices

The device is compact and intended to only work on small networks (such as those you can establish by buying a commercial WiFi network router from vendors like Asus, NetGear, Google Nest, Netcomm and so on. The principle of the device can in theory scale much higher, but our mission is the home office and small businesses and therefore we have chosen this limit (for now).

Up to 25 decoys

The minimum number of decoys the Gorgon Cyber Defense System deploys is 4. As decoys inevitably consume computing resources to pretend to be a computer, we settled on a maximum of 25 to ensure that the device would stay well within its physical capabilities.

Manual or Autonomous mode

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System can be operated in manual mode for experienced Cyber professionals, which gives direct control over which devices are decoyed, how many and so on. However, most users will probably prefer the autonomous mode where the system makes choices that are sensible in most environments.

Alerting via Email, App and Display

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System has many ways to alert you if a problem occurs. Common options are email, via a mobile app or simply by the display pulsing yellow or red depending on the risk of a detected problem. You can also subscribe to our portal for more advanced features and channels

Free Software Updates

The Gorgon Cyber Defense System is frequently improved by our software team. Updates can be downloaded manually or automatically, depending on user preferences.

Plain English Alert Help

When a problem is detected, the Gorgon Cyber Defense System does not just give you some cyber-babble alert. Instead, we provide you with additional information in plain english that hopefully will allow you to better understand the problem and the risk.

On Device Help System

There is nothing more frustrating than looking for a product manual when you need help with something. For this reason (and to save some trees), we have built a full help system for each page on the device. Simply touch the ? icon on the top right and the help is right there at your fingertips

Forensic Detection Reports

In the event that you have a bad intrusion and you've been forced to isolate or counter-attack a device, the Gorgon Cyber Defense System collects detailed information about what happened in the immediate aftermath following the detection. This can be very helpful for network forensic experts to determine what has happened and what actions to take.

The report can either be delivered attached to an email alert or it can be viewed on the device and also copied to a USB thumb drive.

Device Traffic Recording

If you suspect that something nefarious is going on with one of the computers on your network, the Gorgon Cyber Defense System is capable of monitoring all traffic to and from the device* and providing a report on which other computers, web sites and services the computer has been accessing and how much data was sent and received.

* Device Traffic Recording impacts the network performance of the device being monitored.

Fixed IP Address Assignment

By default each decoy created by the Gorgon Cyber Defense System will obtain an IP address automatically. However, if you have an IP address range allocated for servers, manually assigning an IP address may offer better deception.

Vulnerability Scanner Whitelisting

If you hire a security professional to scan your network for vulnerabilities or you have other network vulnerability scanning software installed, those things will inevitably trigger an alert as they behave the same way as a hacker would. To avoid constantly receiving alerts, you can whitelist the source of those scans. However, we highly recommend that you never have more than one source of scanning installed and that it is on a dedicated computer. Otherwise a hacker that successfully compromises a scanner will not be able to be detected.

Device Join and Leave Alerts

You can configure the Gorgon Cyber Defense System to alert you when a particular (or new) device connects to the network or goes offline.

Local Web Interface

Even though the touch screen is a convenient way to access the system, we also offer a local web interface (enabled from the touch-screen) that allows you to administer your system securely via a web browser.

System Logs

To aide with problem solving, the system keeps logs that can be helpful for our software team. Hopefully you will never need to access this feature.

Secure Remote Web Interface

With a Gorgon Cyber Portal subscription, you can control your Gorgon Cyber Defense System from anywhere and at any time. However, this does not mean that your Gorgon Cyber Defense System is exposed to the internet. Instead, it connects securely to the Gorgon Cyber Portal (outbound) and communicates that way. Not only are the interactions between the Portal and the System encrypted, they are also digitally signed using shared cryptographic keys assigned during our manufacturing process.

SMS Alerts

In addition to email and app alerts, the Gorgon Cyber Portal also offers the option to receive alerts via SMS.

Respond to Alerts Anywhere

The Gorgon Cyber Portal is a public internet site. This means that alerts sent via the portal can be responded to from anywhere with an action (such as "Mute" or "Counter-Attack").

Alert Scheduling

The Gorgon Cyber Portal allows you to schedule who receives what alerts when. This enables you to send alerts to different people at different times of the day as well as different days of the week.

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